Hull & District Anglers’ Association

The main objective of HDAA is simply to provide a wide range of good value-for-money angling experiences.

Andy Hall resigned as our Head Bailiff in December 2024. Unfortunately, his name and telephone number were already printed in our 2025 Information Book so he is still getting phone calls. The new Head Bailiffs are Ian Hartery (07825 301985) and Tom Mason (07507 142559).



Renewal letters have been sent out to existing members. For those who do not have a cheque book and have received a renewal letter you can ignore it if you prefer to join online using a credit/debit card or PayPal on this website. Membership is the same price as last year and is superb value – less than £1 a week for adults. New members can also join at the link below. 

Click Here for Membership



Established well over 100 years ago, in 1892, the Association is constituted in a way that ensures that it is run ‘by the members, for the members’. The officers and committee delegates do their best to operate the Association as a friendly, welcoming organisation. We encourage anyone, expert to novice, young or old, regardless of gender or race, to join us as long as they behave in a responsible way and abide by our reasonable fishery rules, which are there to protect the fish, the fisheries and the members. Families groups are very welcome. The day-to-day business is conducted by Officers appointed each year at the Annual General Meeting. To assist them in their decision making, they attend monthly committee meetings with Delegates who are also elected at the AGM to represent the membership. If you become a member please approach any officer, delegate or bailiff if you wish to raise an issue or require information or clarification. We have a very active Facebook page where to can usually get answers quickly to any questions and assistance.


Our Waters

HDAA’s policy of providing a good value-for-money angling experience for all its members means that we have a wide range of different venues in our portfolio of fisheries. Click here For details of each venue, including any special circumstances which apply.



Membership of HDAA is open to anyone who agrees to abide by our common-sense Fishery Rules. All membership permits run from 1st Jan to 31st December annually. Membership allows angling on most of the Association’s venues from 5.00am to 10.00pm (except Carlton on Trent where the start time is 7.00am).


Members discount scheme – up to 15% off purchases

We have teamed up with shops, companies, suppliers, etc. to offer discounts to our members on production of a valid membership card.

Important Notice

At a delegates’ meeting in 2022 this rule was passed regarding the consumption of alcohol on Association property.

“Alcohol consumption on Association property that results in unacceptable behaviour or lack of capability by any member will not be tolerated. Examples of bad behaviour would be causing annoyance to other anglers, being intoxicated to an extent that puts the member themself, other members, the fish, wildlife or Association property in harm’s way, or conduct that could be construed as bringing the Association into disrepute. Such behaviour could lead to the offender having their membership revoked and being banned”

PayPal payment methods

Juniors with catch
HDAA work party